Jonathan's Bio
Jonathan is the Lead Pastor of Glad Tidings Tabernacle, Key West, Florida. He also serves as:
- Founder of the CTC Network
- Caribbean Regional Commander with Frontline Chaplains International.
- Caribbean Metropolitian Bishop with Global United Fellowship
- Executive Board Member with the Assemblies of God Bahamas and Turks and Caicos
- Executive Board Member with Won By One To Jamaica
Jonathan entered the Gospel ministry in 1982 and has served in many places and positions. He has served as a Pastor, National Youth Director, District and National Church Official, and as a Metropolitan Bishop. Jonathan and his wife, Shena, have three children: Jonathan, Stephen, and Joyanne: two daughters-in-law, Sherry and Violet, one son-in-law, Isaac, and five grandchildren.
Jonathan's Personal Strategic Philanthropy Policy: I feel strongly about helping causes related to faith and education, specifically addressing the needs of clergy and people of other countries who need help fulfilling purpose and personal empowerment to change. I envision fulfilling my strategic philanthropic goals with faith-based ministries that are multidisciplinary oriented, are visionary and areas of influence are regional in scope.
In 1993, Dr. Carey spearheaded the development of Programme S.U.R.E. ( Success Ultimately Reassures Everyone) a Bahamian Public alternative school for students with chronic disciplinary problems, and served as the principal for six years. Jonathan has also served as a member of the Bahamas National Crime Commission, as chairperson of the Bahamas National Youth Advisory Board, and as chairperson of The Ministry of Tourism, West Grand Bahama Community Tourism Board. Jonathan currently serves as the chair of the Monroe County Faith-Based Junivelle Justice Initiative.
Certificate of Ordination, Assemblies of God Bahamas, 1985
Marriage Officer Commonwealth of The Bahamas, 1986
Justice of the Peace Commonwealth of The Bahamas, 2002
Marriage Officer State of Florida, 2011
Certificate of Ordination, Assemblies of God USA, 2015
GUF Certificate of Episcopal Consecration, 2017
Billy Graham RRT Chaplain Coordinator, 2019
Samaritan's Purse DART Chaplain, 2021
International Fellowship of Chaplains, 2021
Recipient of the U.S. President's Lifetime Achievement Award for Community Service and Volunteerism, 2023
Assemblies of God USA Commissioned Chaplain and has Advanced Ecclesiastical Endorsement with The Assemblies of God Commission on Chaplains as an Emergency Services - Crisis/Disaster Response Chaplain, 2023
Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor # 2377041 - NCCA, 1992
Diplomate - The National Board of Christian Clinical Therapists # 47161, 2004
Board Certified Clinical Supervisor #47161, 2004
Certified Advanced Christian Life Coach, 2011
Doctor of Philosophy Pastoral Psychology - Faith Theological Seminary, 1993 Tampa, Florida
Doctor of Professional Leadership - Isaiah University, 2014 Daytona, Florida
Doctor of Ministry in Chaplaincy - Isaiah University, 2020 Daytona, Florida