Teen Empowerment



Our Teen Empowerment Summer Program is geared towards Bahamian Students in Grades 10 -12. The participants are chosen from among Bahamian First Responders - Families. It is one way Hope Plaza honors our nation's First Responders for their unselfish and untiring service to our communities.

Time - Weekly Seminars (25 participants per week)

Place - Hope Plaza

Cost - Sponsorship 

Teen Empowerment Bahamas/StudentKeys represents a series of short, accurate, self-scoring assessments designed to identify and enhance students' communication, learning, motivation, and career choices. It is a simple, yet profound program focusing on personal “strengths”, and then applying that information to daily communication and learning situations. The program utilizes six self-interpreting workbooks that parents, teachers, and counselors can review with a student independently.

Our target audience for these workbooks is students in high school. Students who can recognize their strengths early on will be better prepared to make life’s most critical decisions. 

Valuable Tools

  • Identify individual communication styles and enhance communication
  • Recognize individual learning styles and enhance learning
  • Recognize individual thinking styles and enhance thinking
  • Reveal individual motivational needs and motivate students
  • Develop effective study, test-taking, and study skills in students
  • Identify and encourage leadership qualities
  • Build productive teams

Proven Results

  • Help students appreciate diversity
  • Prevent everyday communication misunderstandings
  • Help students choose realistic goals
  • Assist students in finding occupations that fulfill the needs of their personalities 
  • Aid in acclimating students from high school to college life
  • Increase college retention rates
  • Help raise student's GPAs

Please Contact Us for Additional Information