About Us

Jonathan's Bio

Jonathan is the Lead Pastor of Glad Tidings Tabernacle, Key West, Florida. He also serves as:

Jonathan entered the Gospel ministry in 1982 and has served in many places and positions. He has served as a Pastor, National Youth Director, District and National Church Official, and as a Metropolitan Bishop. Jonathan and his wife, Shena, have three children: Jonathan, Stephen, and Joyanne: two daughters-in-law, Sherry and Violet, one son-in-law, Isaac, and five grandchildren. 

Jonathan's Personal Strategic Philanthropy Policy: I feel strongly about helping causes related to faith and education, specifically addressing the needs of clergy and people of other countries who need help fulfilling purpose and personal empowerment to change. I envision fulfilling my strategic philanthropic goals with faith-based ministries that are multidisciplinary oriented, are visionary and areas of influence are regional in scope.


In 1993, Dr. Carey spearheaded the development of Programme S.U.R.E. ( Success Ultimately Reassures Everyone) a Bahamian Public alternative school for students with chronic disciplinary problems, and served as the principal for six years. Jonathan has also served as a member of the Bahamas National Crime Commission, as chairperson of the Bahamas National Youth Advisory Board, and as chairperson of The Ministry of Tourism, West Grand Bahama Community Tourism Board. Jonathan currently serves as the chair of the Monroe County Faith-Based Junivelle Justice Initiative.     


Certificate of Ordination, Assemblies of God Bahamas, 1985

Marriage Officer Commonwealth of The Bahamas, 1986 

Justice of the Peace Commonwealth of The Bahamas, 2002

Marriage Officer State of Florida, 2011

Certificate of Ordination, Assemblies of God USA, 2015 

GUF Certificate of Episcopal Consecration, 2017

Billy Graham RRT Chaplain Coordinator, 2019

Samaritan's Purse DART Chaplain, 2021

International Fellowship of Chaplains, 2021

Recipient of the U.S. President's Lifetime Achievement Award for Community Service and Volunteerism, 2023

Assemblies of God USA Commissioned Chaplain and has Advanced Ecclesiastical Endorsement with The Assemblies of God Commission on Chaplains as an Emergency Services - Crisis/Disaster Response Chaplain, 2023


Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor # 2377041  - NCCA, 1992

Diplomate - The National Board of Christian Clinical Therapists # 47161, 2004

Board Certified Clinical Supervisor #47161, 2004


Certified Advanced Christian Life Coach, 2011 


Doctor of Philosophy Pastoral Psychology - Faith Theological Seminary, 1993 Tampa, Florida

Doctor of Professional Leadership - Isaiah University, 2014 Daytona, Florida 

Doctor of Ministry in Chaplaincy - Isaiah University, 2020 Daytona, Florida 

Email: Jonathan@Hopeplaza.org

Reset Caribbean


In 2003, Jonathan and Shena Carey embraced the ministry assignment given to them by the Lord. For them, it was The CTC Network a mobile ministry providing biblical principles to the mountains of culture. 

Throughout the years, the Lord has tweaked the vision, and their commitment is to continue to have an ear bent toward the voice of the Holy Spirit. Today the Network is registered in The Bahamas, Dominican Republic, and USA. The CTC Network USA continues with a national and international mobile aspect while the others are nationally based.

Reset Caribbean -  Compassionate Ministries

RCCM represents facilities and ongoing ministry opportunities in the Dominican Republic and The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Why RESET? During the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we developed a workbook series entitled RESET. The five workbooks focus on Faith, Family, Friends, Finances, and Fitness. These five are interwoven into the fabric of all we do, and therefore RESET has become a ministry foundational block for us in this season. 


In October 2014, Jonathan was invited to the Dominican Republic on a vision trip. After that trip, he expanded the CTC Network to include the Dominican Republic. In March 2015, Jonathan and Shena invited a group from Glad Tidings Tabernacle Key West, Florida, to join them on a mission trip to La Florida, Dominican Republic. Those fortunate enough to accompany them saw the area firsthand, and Project Ruth was birthed. The property was donated by a resident, Ramon A. Ramirez, a property that had been in his family for many generations. Construction began in May 2015 on a church/community center and medical clinic, the initial construction was completed in August 2015. The ministry continues to add value to the community through a holistic approach in Jesus' Name. Project Ruth is a ministry of The CTC Network Dominican Republic and represents our Reset Caribbean - Compassionate Ministries there. 


In 2017, during the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in the Florida Keys, Jonathan and Shena as pastors of Glad Tidings Tabernacle housed teams from the Billy Graham RRT and Samaritan's Purse for twelve weeks. Their interaction with these two organizations and the workings of the Holy Spirit in their hearts created the Hope Plaza. They felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to establish a base for ministry in the land of their birth. Hope Plaza is located within view of where Jonathan went to primary school and was first shown the love of Jesus. The vision of helping others prepare effectively for seasons of crisis, and to ready themselves for eternity holds a special place in his heart from this location. HP is a ministry of The CTC Network Bahamas and represents our Reset Caribbean - Compassionate Ministries there.  

Reset Caribbean - Compassionate Ministries serves The Bahamas and the Dominican Republic. Our vision is to assist in developing emerging leaders in both nations while serving communities through compassionate ministries. We invite you to join the cause.

Reference - The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Hope Initative


By 2034, our vision is to accomplish the following: (1) Drastically reduce poverty in targeted areas of The Bahamas and the Dominican Republic. (2) Provide ways and means for sustainable self-stability for individuals, families, and communities. (3) Develop emerging Biblical Servant Leaders and Social Entrepreneurs for community development and transformation.


Phase One of our vision is to achieve, through the vehicle of economics, Biblical Leadership Training and Mentoring; empowerment of the underprivileged to break the cycle of poverty and apathy. This not only transforms individuals and families but also entire communities.


Our HI programs allow individuals, families, and communities opportunities to embrace a hand-up and not simply another short-lived hand-out. Our initiatives help restore dignity by uniting communities through commerce, education, leadership, and social development programs. We take our programs to urban and rural areas and often remote communities rich in human and natural resources, which give hope for a better today and a brighter tomorrow.


Hope Plaza and Project Ruth are members of the CTC Network USA, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that provides consulting, training, and coaching services. The CTC Network USA has offices in four nations.


Hope Initiative is executing a two-phase strategy:

1) Provide micro-credit programs.

2) Develop a sustainable agricultural / livestock model business in each targeted nation.


1) Fully equipped Enterprise & Leadership Development Centers (HOPE Centers).

2) Youth Preparedness Programs in area schools, and retail products from model businesses.


Our strategy begins with the 5R Circle Process Weekend.

1) Individuals and groups will be facilitated through the process and emerge with a vision blueprint.

2) Provide ongoing partnerships designed to help community leaders and individuals produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives.


Don't hesitate to get in touch with Us for Additional Information

Our Directors




The CTC Network ARM's Directors comprised of The Bahamas, Dominican Republic, and USA Boards serve with integrity. Our Directors are committed to Hope Plaza and Project Ruth through:

  1. Providing spiritual support.
  2. Ensuring missional fulfillment.
  3. Offering policy guidance.
  4. Engaging in strategic planning.
  5. Facilitating intentional communication.


The CTC Network  - Association of Related Ministries

Jonathan C. Carey - President
Shena E. Carey - Secretary

The CTC Network Bahamas

Nelson Bain - Vice President
Jonathan N. Carey - Treasurer 
Clyde Bain - Executive Director Hope Plaza
Ashton Brown - Director of Missions
Kelson Miller - Director Chaplaincy

The CTC Network Domincian Republic

Hilario Mendoza - Vice President
Sonia H. Suero - Treasurer
Able Jose Maldonado Beliard - Executive Director of Operations
Minaya Suero Hernandez - Director of La Florida Project Ruth
Anel Segundo Maldonado Beliard - Director of Missions

The CTC Network USA

Stephen Carey - Vice President
Joyanne Ashe - Treasurer 
Thomas Douglas - Exective Director of Operations




Our Bookstore

A little about ourselves. CAREY PRESS publishes and promotes books authored by Jonathan and Shena Carey. Shena serves as the president. Proceeds from sales are used to provide backpacks for students and workshops for Caribbean based:

  • High School Educators & Students
  • Religious and Community Leaders
  • University Students
  • Single Mothers & their Children

Training Calendar



Practical Wisdom for Building Your Vision is just that. It's a book that presents practical wisdom principles for leaders related to building their visions, organizations, ministries, and personal lives.


Joseph - Fulfilling Purpose. The principles and concepts are taken from the life of an Old Testament leader named Joseph and are found in the book of Genesis. Also provided is a Fulfilling Purpose Personal Audit.


SERIES presents seven concepts (Intend, Negotiate, Sanctify, Pray, Influence, Relate, and Engage) and represents one result of our interaction with Hurricane Irma, our community, faith partners, and the Holy Spirit.


Effective Leadership-Enquiring & Rebuilding: Nehemiah wore three hats: he was a cupbearer, a builder, and a governor. In our study, we will view the enquiring & rebuilding principles from his roles as cupbearer and builder.


Joshua teaches how to be successful in your personal life and leadership roles. It presents biblical and practical steps for successfully fulfilling your purpose. The six steps presented are: Respond, Remove, Relocate, Request, Require, and Respect.


Leadership Essentials. In essence, we are all leaders, be it in our homes, ministries, workplaces, or leisure places. Continual personal success and the successes of those we influence are in part connected to Visibility, Prayer, Counsel, and Faith.



Libros españoles de Jonathan


José sabía que había un llamado generacional en su familia y lo tomó como suyo. Para un adolescente esto demandaba un gran nivel de perspicacia y fe que normalmente no se asocia con los jóvenes de su edad. José oyó hablar de la voz de Dios en su la vida de su bisabuelo, de su abuelo y de su padre y él deseaba lo mismo. José quería que Dios lo usara eficazmente.


En nuestra serie de estudio veremos las diferentes etapas por las que pasa José en su esfuerzo por cumplir el llamado generacional de Dios. Este libro, el segundo de la serie, se concentra en las experiencias en casa de Potifar que tuvo José y cómo estas ayudaron a prepararlo para su eventual papel como líder nacional.Recomiendo encarecidamente que no se apresure a leer el material sino que lo estudie siguiendo nuestro método paso a paso.


Esta serie fue desarrollada para proporcionar, en forma de libro de trabajo, pasos para el éxito personal y de liderazgo. Está dirigido a dos grupos: hombres y mujeres que están en puestos de liderazgo a nivel mundial que necesitan herramientas de liderazgo y entrenamiento para la vida y creyentes que buscan materiales de estudio de desarrollo personal con base bíblica. Los pasos son tomados de personajes bíblicos y reflejan parte de la búsqueda y los desafíos de sus vidas. El autor está disponible para ofrecer, en forma limitada, entrenamiento, talleres y seminarios relacionados con liderazgo.


Bienvenido a este estudio sobre Liderazgo Efectivo - Consultar y Reconstruir. Los principios y conceptos son tomados de la vida de un líderdel Antiguo Testamento llamado Nehemías. Los principios se encuentran en el libro que lleva su nombre. Estos principios son eternos y oportunospara reconstruir y restaurar los desafíos a los que los líderes hacen frente en la actualidad.


Esta serie se desarrolló para brindar, en forma de libro de trabajo, conceptos para el éxito personal y de liderazgo. Está dirigido a dos grupos: En primer lugar, como herramienta de liderazgo y coaching de vida, está dirigido a hombres y mujeres que ocupan puestos de liderazgo a nivel mundial. En segundo lugar, está dirigido a los creyentes que buscan materiales de estudio para el desarrollo personal con base bíblica. Los conceptos se han tomado de personajes bíblicos y reflejan parte de la búsqueda y desafíos de sus vidas.


Nan seri etid nou yo, nou pral gade diferan etap Jozèf pase nan chemen li pou akonpli apèl tout yon jenerasyon Bondye a. Liv sa a fokis sou " Eksperyans Pi" Jozèf la - Mete L Ansanm- ak kouman yon Eksperyans Pi ka koumanse yon pwosesis akonplisman pou pote sans nan lavi yon moun. Mwen rekòmande ak anpil fòs ke w pa prese atravè materyèl la, men abòde avèk metòd etap pa etap nou an. Etid la an jeneral pral konsistan. Metòd etid la derive de akwonim DAEPW (STEPS). . Nou bay tou yon Evalyasyon Pèsonèl Akonplisman Objektif. Kontwòl sa a sèvi tankou yon zouti evalyasyon ak yon zouti pou tabli objektif. Fè kontwòl la nan konklizyon etid ou sou chak liv ki nan seri a. Annou fè premye pa a koulye a!



Books by Shena


Por favor trabaje con su hijo en la memorización de cada una de las diez reglas. Marcar y fechar cada uno. Celebrar el éxito con su hijo.Please work with your child on memorizing each of the ten rules. Check off and date each one. Celebrate the success with your child.


This is the first in a series for children. Alphabet Scripture for children.


Those We Have Served

Helping Others Prepare Effectively

Churches and Ministries

Bahamas Faith Ministries
Candlestick Ministries International
Christ The King, Freeport
Central Zion Church, EMR
Church of Christ, USA
Church of God, Bahamas
Church of God of Prophecy, Key West                     Come Alive Ministries, USA
Community Holiness Church, EMR
Compassion In Action, USA  
Deliverance Evangelistic Association Dominion Community Church
Evangelistic Temple, Nassau
Fellowship Baptist Union Church
Final Hour Apostolic, Freeport
First Assembly of God, Abaco, Bahamas
Good Samaritan Christian Center, Aruba
InterCity Ministries, Nassau, Bahamas
Just Shall Live By Faith, GB
Kingdom Worship Centre, Freeport
New Life Community Church, Florida               New Mount Olivet Baptist, GB
Pages of Life International, Bahamas
Project RUTH, Dominican Republic
Pure Heart, Miami
Salem Union Baptist Church, Nassau
SDA, Montego Bay, Jamaica
St. John's Jubilee Cathedral, Freeport 
The Meeting Place Ministry International
Trinity Church, Miami, Florida
Unity In Christ Conferences   
Word of Life Ministries, Freeport


Public and Private Schools

Anchovy High School, Montego Bay
   Bishop Michael Eldon/ EMR High      Freeport Junior High School           

Isaiah University, Florida 
Key West High School
Mary Star Catholic School, Bahamas
St. Georges High School, Bahamas
St. Paul's Methodist College, Freeport
St Vincent De Paul, Bahamas
Sunland Baptist Academy
    The Temple Christian School, Nassau
Tower Hill Primary, Montego Bay, Jamaica.


Organizations and Companies

Abaco Youth Camp
Abundant Blessings, Florida
Assemblies of God, Bahamas
Assemblies of God, Cuba
Assemblies of God, Dominican Republic
Assemblies of God, Jamaica
Assemblies of God, South Africa
Aramark Corporation, USA
Bahamas Baptist Union
Bahamas Hotel Association Bahamas Kentucky Fried Chicken
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association      Council of Churches, Zambia
EQUIP (John Maxwell)
Global United Fellowship
Gold Circle, Bahamas
Holmes Rock Youth Association  International Fellowship of Chaplains
Juvenile Justice, Florida
Kingdom Government Movement 

Ministers Network USA

Ministry of Defense, Zambia
Ministry of Education, Bahamas
Ministry of Education, Jamaica
Ministry of Tourism, Bahamas
Zion Baptist Convention, Grand Bahama          Ministry of Youth, Bahamas
Mission of Hope
Praying Pelicans Missions

Royal Bahamas Defence Force
Royal Bahamas Police Force
Samaritan's Purse
Teen Challenge, USA
Tower of Power, Tobago       
Won By One Jamaica

Youth for Christ, Jamaica
Zion Baptist Convention, Grand Bahama


Our Bookstore (Copy)

A little about ourselves. CAREY PRESS publishes and promotes books authored by Jonathan and Shena Carey. Shena serves as the president. Proceeds from sales are used to provide backpacks for students and workshops for Caribbean based:

  • High School Educators & Students
  • Religious and Community Leaders
  • University Students
  • Single Mothers & their Children

Training Calendar



Practical Wisdom for Building Your Vision is just that. It's a book that presents practical wisdom principles for leaders related to building their visions, organizations, ministries, and personal lives.


Joseph - Fulfilling Purpose. The principles and concepts are taken from the life of an Old Testament leader named Joseph and are found in the book of Genesis. Also provided is a Fulfilling Purpose Personal Audit.


SERIES presents seven concepts (Intend, Negotiate, Sanctify, Pray, Influence, Relate, and Engage) and represents one result of our interaction with Hurricane Irma, our community, faith partners, and the Holy Spirit.


Effective Leadership-Enquiring & Rebuilding: Nehemiah wore three hats: he was a cupbearer, a builder, and a governor. In our study, we will view the enquiring & rebuilding principles from his roles as cupbearer and builder.


Joshua teaches how to be successful in your personal life and leadership roles. It presents biblical and practical steps for successfully fulfilling your purpose. The six steps presented are: Respond, Remove, Relocate, Request, Require, and Respect.


Leadership Essentials. In essence, we are all leaders, be it in our homes, ministries, workplaces, or leisure places. Continual personal success and the successes of those we influence are in part connected to Visibility, Prayer, Counsel, and Faith.



Libros españoles de Jonathan


José sabía que había un llamado generacional en su familia y lo tomó como suyo. Para un adolescente esto demandaba un gran nivel de perspicacia y fe que normalmente no se asocia con los jóvenes de su edad. José oyó hablar de la voz de Dios en su la vida de su bisabuelo, de su abuelo y de su padre y él deseaba lo mismo. José quería que Dios lo usara eficazmente.


En nuestra serie de estudio veremos las diferentes etapas por las que pasa José en su esfuerzo por cumplir el llamado generacional de Dios. Este libro, el segundo de la serie, se concentra en las experiencias en casa de Potifar que tuvo José y cómo estas ayudaron a prepararlo para su eventual papel como líder nacional.Recomiendo encarecidamente que no se apresure a leer el material sino que lo estudie siguiendo nuestro método paso a paso.


Esta serie fue desarrollada para proporcionar, en forma de libro de trabajo, pasos para el éxito personal y de liderazgo. Está dirigido a dos grupos: hombres y mujeres que están en puestos de liderazgo a nivel mundial que necesitan herramientas de liderazgo y entrenamiento para la vida y creyentes que buscan materiales de estudio de desarrollo personal con base bíblica. Los pasos son tomados de personajes bíblicos y reflejan parte de la búsqueda y los desafíos de sus vidas. El autor está disponible para ofrecer, en forma limitada, entrenamiento, talleres y seminarios relacionados con liderazgo.


Bienvenido a este estudio sobre Liderazgo Efectivo - Consultar y Reconstruir. Los principios y conceptos son tomados de la vida de un líderdel Antiguo Testamento llamado Nehemías. Los principios se encuentran en el libro que lleva su nombre. Estos principios son eternos y oportunospara reconstruir y restaurar los desafíos a los que los líderes hacen frente en la actualidad.


Esta serie se desarrolló para brindar, en forma de libro de trabajo, conceptos para el éxito personal y de liderazgo. Está dirigido a dos grupos: En primer lugar, como herramienta de liderazgo y coaching de vida, está dirigido a hombres y mujeres que ocupan puestos de liderazgo a nivel mundial. En segundo lugar, está dirigido a los creyentes que buscan materiales de estudio para el desarrollo personal con base bíblica. Los conceptos se han tomado de personajes bíblicos y reflejan parte de la búsqueda y desafíos de sus vidas.


Nan seri etid nou yo, nou pral gade diferan etap Jozèf pase nan chemen li pou akonpli apèl tout yon jenerasyon Bondye a. Liv sa a fokis sou " Eksperyans Pi" Jozèf la - Mete L Ansanm- ak kouman yon Eksperyans Pi ka koumanse yon pwosesis akonplisman pou pote sans nan lavi yon moun. Mwen rekòmande ak anpil fòs ke w pa prese atravè materyèl la, men abòde avèk metòd etap pa etap nou an. Etid la an jeneral pral konsistan. Metòd etid la derive de akwonim DAEPW (STEPS). . Nou bay tou yon Evalyasyon Pèsonèl Akonplisman Objektif. Kontwòl sa a sèvi tankou yon zouti evalyasyon ak yon zouti pou tabli objektif. Fè kontwòl la nan konklizyon etid ou sou chak liv ki nan seri a. Annou fè premye pa a koulye a!



Books by Shena


Por favor trabaje con su hijo en la memorización de cada una de las diez reglas. Marcar y fechar cada uno. Celebrar el éxito con su hijo.Please work with your child on memorizing each of the ten rules. Check off and date each one. Celebrate the success with your child.


This is the first in a series for children. Alphabet Scripture for children.


Our Bookstore (Copy)

A little about ourselves. CAREY PRESS publishes and promotes books authored by Jonathan and Shena Carey. Shena serves as the president. Proceeds from sales are used to provide backpacks for students and workshops for Caribbean based:

  • High School Educators & Students
  • Religious and Community Leaders
  • University Students
  • Single Mothers & their Children

Training Calendar



Practical Wisdom for Building Your Vision is just that. It's a book that presents practical wisdom principles for leaders related to building their visions, organizations, ministries, and personal lives.


Joseph - Fulfilling Purpose. The principles and concepts are taken from the life of an Old Testament leader named Joseph and are found in the book of Genesis. Also provided is a Fulfilling Purpose Personal Audit.


SERIES presents seven concepts (Intend, Negotiate, Sanctify, Pray, Influence, Relate, and Engage) and represents one result of our interaction with Hurricane Irma, our community, faith partners, and the Holy Spirit.


Effective Leadership-Enquiring & Rebuilding: Nehemiah wore three hats: he was a cupbearer, a builder, and a governor. In our study, we will view the enquiring & rebuilding principles from his roles as cupbearer and builder.


Joshua teaches how to be successful in your personal life and leadership roles. It presents biblical and practical steps for successfully fulfilling your purpose. The six steps presented are: Respond, Remove, Relocate, Request, Require, and Respect.


Leadership Essentials. In essence, we are all leaders, be it in our homes, ministries, workplaces, or leisure places. Continual personal success and the successes of those we influence are in part connected to Visibility, Prayer, Counsel, and Faith.



Libros españoles de Jonathan


José sabía que había un llamado generacional en su familia y lo tomó como suyo. Para un adolescente esto demandaba un gran nivel de perspicacia y fe que normalmente no se asocia con los jóvenes de su edad. José oyó hablar de la voz de Dios en su la vida de su bisabuelo, de su abuelo y de su padre y él deseaba lo mismo. José quería que Dios lo usara eficazmente.


En nuestra serie de estudio veremos las diferentes etapas por las que pasa José en su esfuerzo por cumplir el llamado generacional de Dios. Este libro, el segundo de la serie, se concentra en las experiencias en casa de Potifar que tuvo José y cómo estas ayudaron a prepararlo para su eventual papel como líder nacional.Recomiendo encarecidamente que no se apresure a leer el material sino que lo estudie siguiendo nuestro método paso a paso.


Esta serie fue desarrollada para proporcionar, en forma de libro de trabajo, pasos para el éxito personal y de liderazgo. Está dirigido a dos grupos: hombres y mujeres que están en puestos de liderazgo a nivel mundial que necesitan herramientas de liderazgo y entrenamiento para la vida y creyentes que buscan materiales de estudio de desarrollo personal con base bíblica. Los pasos son tomados de personajes bíblicos y reflejan parte de la búsqueda y los desafíos de sus vidas. El autor está disponible para ofrecer, en forma limitada, entrenamiento, talleres y seminarios relacionados con liderazgo.


Bienvenido a este estudio sobre Liderazgo Efectivo - Consultar y Reconstruir. Los principios y conceptos son tomados de la vida de un líderdel Antiguo Testamento llamado Nehemías. Los principios se encuentran en el libro que lleva su nombre. Estos principios son eternos y oportunospara reconstruir y restaurar los desafíos a los que los líderes hacen frente en la actualidad.


Esta serie se desarrolló para brindar, en forma de libro de trabajo, conceptos para el éxito personal y de liderazgo. Está dirigido a dos grupos: En primer lugar, como herramienta de liderazgo y coaching de vida, está dirigido a hombres y mujeres que ocupan puestos de liderazgo a nivel mundial. En segundo lugar, está dirigido a los creyentes que buscan materiales de estudio para el desarrollo personal con base bíblica. Los conceptos se han tomado de personajes bíblicos y reflejan parte de la búsqueda y desafíos de sus vidas.


Nan seri etid nou yo, nou pral gade diferan etap Jozèf pase nan chemen li pou akonpli apèl tout yon jenerasyon Bondye a. Liv sa a fokis sou " Eksperyans Pi" Jozèf la - Mete L Ansanm- ak kouman yon Eksperyans Pi ka koumanse yon pwosesis akonplisman pou pote sans nan lavi yon moun. Mwen rekòmande ak anpil fòs ke w pa prese atravè materyèl la, men abòde avèk metòd etap pa etap nou an. Etid la an jeneral pral konsistan. Metòd etid la derive de akwonim DAEPW (STEPS). . Nou bay tou yon Evalyasyon Pèsonèl Akonplisman Objektif. Kontwòl sa a sèvi tankou yon zouti evalyasyon ak yon zouti pou tabli objektif. Fè kontwòl la nan konklizyon etid ou sou chak liv ki nan seri a. Annou fè premye pa a koulye a!



Books by Shena


Por favor trabaje con su hijo en la memorización de cada una de las diez reglas. Marcar y fechar cada uno. Celebrar el éxito con su hijo.Please work with your child on memorizing each of the ten rules. Check off and date each one. Celebrate the success with your child.


This is the first in a series for children. Alphabet Scripture for children.


Our Bookstore (Copy) (Copy)

A little about ourselves. CAREY PRESS publishes and promotes books authored by Jonathan and Shena Carey. Shena serves as the president. Proceeds from sales are used to provide backpacks for students and workshops for Caribbean based:

  • High School Educators & Students
  • Religious and Community Leaders
  • University Students
  • Single Mothers & their Children

Training Calendar



Practical Wisdom for Building Your Vision is just that. It's a book that presents practical wisdom principles for leaders related to building their visions, organizations, ministries, and personal lives.


Joseph - Fulfilling Purpose. The principles and concepts are taken from the life of an Old Testament leader named Joseph and are found in the book of Genesis. Also provided is a Fulfilling Purpose Personal Audit.


SERIES presents seven concepts (Intend, Negotiate, Sanctify, Pray, Influence, Relate, and Engage) and represents one result of our interaction with Hurricane Irma, our community, faith partners, and the Holy Spirit.


Effective Leadership-Enquiring & Rebuilding: Nehemiah wore three hats: he was a cupbearer, a builder, and a governor. In our study, we will view the enquiring & rebuilding principles from his roles as cupbearer and builder.


Joshua teaches how to be successful in your personal life and leadership roles. It presents biblical and practical steps for successfully fulfilling your purpose. The six steps presented are: Respond, Remove, Relocate, Request, Require, and Respect.


Leadership Essentials. In essence, we are all leaders, be it in our homes, ministries, workplaces, or leisure places. Continual personal success and the successes of those we influence are in part connected to Visibility, Prayer, Counsel, and Faith.



Libros españoles de Jonathan


José sabía que había un llamado generacional en su familia y lo tomó como suyo. Para un adolescente esto demandaba un gran nivel de perspicacia y fe que normalmente no se asocia con los jóvenes de su edad. José oyó hablar de la voz de Dios en su la vida de su bisabuelo, de su abuelo y de su padre y él deseaba lo mismo. José quería que Dios lo usara eficazmente.


En nuestra serie de estudio veremos las diferentes etapas por las que pasa José en su esfuerzo por cumplir el llamado generacional de Dios. Este libro, el segundo de la serie, se concentra en las experiencias en casa de Potifar que tuvo José y cómo estas ayudaron a prepararlo para su eventual papel como líder nacional.Recomiendo encarecidamente que no se apresure a leer el material sino que lo estudie siguiendo nuestro método paso a paso.


Esta serie fue desarrollada para proporcionar, en forma de libro de trabajo, pasos para el éxito personal y de liderazgo. Está dirigido a dos grupos: hombres y mujeres que están en puestos de liderazgo a nivel mundial que necesitan herramientas de liderazgo y entrenamiento para la vida y creyentes que buscan materiales de estudio de desarrollo personal con base bíblica. Los pasos son tomados de personajes bíblicos y reflejan parte de la búsqueda y los desafíos de sus vidas. El autor está disponible para ofrecer, en forma limitada, entrenamiento, talleres y seminarios relacionados con liderazgo.


Bienvenido a este estudio sobre Liderazgo Efectivo - Consultar y Reconstruir. Los principios y conceptos son tomados de la vida de un líderdel Antiguo Testamento llamado Nehemías. Los principios se encuentran en el libro que lleva su nombre. Estos principios son eternos y oportunospara reconstruir y restaurar los desafíos a los que los líderes hacen frente en la actualidad.


Esta serie se desarrolló para brindar, en forma de libro de trabajo, conceptos para el éxito personal y de liderazgo. Está dirigido a dos grupos: En primer lugar, como herramienta de liderazgo y coaching de vida, está dirigido a hombres y mujeres que ocupan puestos de liderazgo a nivel mundial. En segundo lugar, está dirigido a los creyentes que buscan materiales de estudio para el desarrollo personal con base bíblica. Los conceptos se han tomado de personajes bíblicos y reflejan parte de la búsqueda y desafíos de sus vidas.


Nan seri etid nou yo, nou pral gade diferan etap Jozèf pase nan chemen li pou akonpli apèl tout yon jenerasyon Bondye a. Liv sa a fokis sou " Eksperyans Pi" Jozèf la - Mete L Ansanm- ak kouman yon Eksperyans Pi ka koumanse yon pwosesis akonplisman pou pote sans nan lavi yon moun. Mwen rekòmande ak anpil fòs ke w pa prese atravè materyèl la, men abòde avèk metòd etap pa etap nou an. Etid la an jeneral pral konsistan. Metòd etid la derive de akwonim DAEPW (STEPS). . Nou bay tou yon Evalyasyon Pèsonèl Akonplisman Objektif. Kontwòl sa a sèvi tankou yon zouti evalyasyon ak yon zouti pou tabli objektif. Fè kontwòl la nan konklizyon etid ou sou chak liv ki nan seri a. Annou fè premye pa a koulye a!



Books by Shena


Por favor trabaje con su hijo en la memorización de cada una de las diez reglas. Marcar y fechar cada uno. Celebrar el éxito con su hijo.Please work with your child on memorizing each of the ten rules. Check off and date each one. Celebrate the success with your child.


This is the first in a series for children. Alphabet Scripture for children.


Our Bookstore (Copy) (Copy)

A little about ourselves. CAREY PRESS publishes and promotes books authored by Jonathan and Shena Carey. Shena serves as the president. Proceeds from sales are used to provide backpacks for students and workshops for Caribbean based:

  • High School Educators & Students
  • Religious and Community Leaders
  • University Students
  • Single Mothers & their Children

Training Calendar



Practical Wisdom for Building Your Vision is just that. It's a book that presents practical wisdom principles for leaders related to building their visions, organizations, ministries, and personal lives.


Joseph - Fulfilling Purpose. The principles and concepts are taken from the life of an Old Testament leader named Joseph and are found in the book of Genesis. Also provided is a Fulfilling Purpose Personal Audit.


SERIES presents seven concepts (Intend, Negotiate, Sanctify, Pray, Influence, Relate, and Engage) and represents one result of our interaction with Hurricane Irma, our community, faith partners, and the Holy Spirit.


Effective Leadership-Enquiring & Rebuilding: Nehemiah wore three hats: he was a cupbearer, a builder, and a governor. In our study, we will view the enquiring & rebuilding principles from his roles as cupbearer and builder.


Joshua teaches how to be successful in your personal life and leadership roles. It presents biblical and practical steps for successfully fulfilling your purpose. The six steps presented are: Respond, Remove, Relocate, Request, Require, and Respect.


Leadership Essentials. In essence, we are all leaders, be it in our homes, ministries, workplaces, or leisure places. Continual personal success and the successes of those we influence are in part connected to Visibility, Prayer, Counsel, and Faith.



Libros españoles de Jonathan


José sabía que había un llamado generacional en su familia y lo tomó como suyo. Para un adolescente esto demandaba un gran nivel de perspicacia y fe que normalmente no se asocia con los jóvenes de su edad. José oyó hablar de la voz de Dios en su la vida de su bisabuelo, de su abuelo y de su padre y él deseaba lo mismo. José quería que Dios lo usara eficazmente.


En nuestra serie de estudio veremos las diferentes etapas por las que pasa José en su esfuerzo por cumplir el llamado generacional de Dios. Este libro, el segundo de la serie, se concentra en las experiencias en casa de Potifar que tuvo José y cómo estas ayudaron a prepararlo para su eventual papel como líder nacional.Recomiendo encarecidamente que no se apresure a leer el material sino que lo estudie siguiendo nuestro método paso a paso.


Esta serie fue desarrollada para proporcionar, en forma de libro de trabajo, pasos para el éxito personal y de liderazgo. Está dirigido a dos grupos: hombres y mujeres que están en puestos de liderazgo a nivel mundial que necesitan herramientas de liderazgo y entrenamiento para la vida y creyentes que buscan materiales de estudio de desarrollo personal con base bíblica. Los pasos son tomados de personajes bíblicos y reflejan parte de la búsqueda y los desafíos de sus vidas. El autor está disponible para ofrecer, en forma limitada, entrenamiento, talleres y seminarios relacionados con liderazgo.


Bienvenido a este estudio sobre Liderazgo Efectivo - Consultar y Reconstruir. Los principios y conceptos son tomados de la vida de un líderdel Antiguo Testamento llamado Nehemías. Los principios se encuentran en el libro que lleva su nombre. Estos principios son eternos y oportunospara reconstruir y restaurar los desafíos a los que los líderes hacen frente en la actualidad.


Esta serie se desarrolló para brindar, en forma de libro de trabajo, conceptos para el éxito personal y de liderazgo. Está dirigido a dos grupos: En primer lugar, como herramienta de liderazgo y coaching de vida, está dirigido a hombres y mujeres que ocupan puestos de liderazgo a nivel mundial. En segundo lugar, está dirigido a los creyentes que buscan materiales de estudio para el desarrollo personal con base bíblica. Los conceptos se han tomado de personajes bíblicos y reflejan parte de la búsqueda y desafíos de sus vidas.


Nan seri etid nou yo, nou pral gade diferan etap Jozèf pase nan chemen li pou akonpli apèl tout yon jenerasyon Bondye a. Liv sa a fokis sou " Eksperyans Pi" Jozèf la - Mete L Ansanm- ak kouman yon Eksperyans Pi ka koumanse yon pwosesis akonplisman pou pote sans nan lavi yon moun. Mwen rekòmande ak anpil fòs ke w pa prese atravè materyèl la, men abòde avèk metòd etap pa etap nou an. Etid la an jeneral pral konsistan. Metòd etid la derive de akwonim DAEPW (STEPS). . Nou bay tou yon Evalyasyon Pèsonèl Akonplisman Objektif. Kontwòl sa a sèvi tankou yon zouti evalyasyon ak yon zouti pou tabli objektif. Fè kontwòl la nan konklizyon etid ou sou chak liv ki nan seri a. Annou fè premye pa a koulye a!



Books by Shena


Por favor trabaje con su hijo en la memorización de cada una de las diez reglas. Marcar y fechar cada uno. Celebrar el éxito con su hijo.Please work with your child on memorizing each of the ten rules. Check off and date each one. Celebrate the success with your child.


This is the first in a series for children. Alphabet Scripture for children.


Carey Press

You've got a website that you worked super hard to complete. You want the world to visit it, be compelled by your mission and vision, and respond by getting involved, contributing, buying, or even asking for help and services. To do that, you need to convince them with your words, images, and media. This takes time, effort, and sometimes money. But, we're going to talk you through a few tips that will help cut to the chase and create compelling, targeted, and efficient content clients, customers, donors, volunteers, potential partners will love.

Important Note: This information appears on this page because you have not yet added content to it. It's just a placeholder. It will be removed when either you sign into your Client Dashboard and replace it using the Content Manager or our team finishes placing information that you have sent to us through our content management services onto this page. If you are in the Content Manager now, click on the New Page icon above (to the right of the Source button) or highlight all of this text and press the DELETE key to remove all of this. But since you're here, let's talk about content.

Define Your Goals. Don't Be Aimless.

Start off by determining what you want a website visitor to do once they read your content. Do you want them to download a PDF? Do you want them to fill out a form? Do you want them to submit a donation through your website? Knowing the answers to these questions allows you to craft your content in a way that persuades them to do exactly what you want them to do.

Be Passionate. Don't Be Clinical.

A mistake that many businesses and nonprofits make with their website is being too dispassionate about what they are saying. Boring mission statements, stoic history timelines, and no attention to the donation appeal text are costing organizations millions, and they don't even know it. Start off the right way by making your content passionate, exciting, and inviting. Talk as you would on a stage or in person. Develop a voice to your content that relates to your audience. Don't put your visitors to sleep with clinical, monotone information that doesn't inspire them. Think about what inspires you and infect them with that same level of motivation.

Be Personal. Don't Be Formal.

People want to be spoken to by people, not websites. Address your audience as if they were right in front of you. Think about how you would relate to them. If they are donors, think about the reasons your current donors give and what personal attachment they have to your mission. If your audience is potential clients (people to help), think about the situations they find themselves in and what concerns they have when they come to you for assistance. Talk to them at their level, not above it. Don't create artificial barriers by formalizing your language.

Talk in Sections. Don't Ramble On.

People most definitely read on the internet. After all, that's what you're doing right now. But, like this post, you will want to divide what you write into digestible sections that a website visitor can quickly scan before deciding that he or she intends to read the information in that section. Be as long winded with your page as you need to be. But, remember to break your content up using section headers and stick to your talking points under each header.